A Total Salvation

The greatest attack against the Gospel of the grace of God (2) in the first century was the fallacy that for one to possess initial salvation, one must be circumcised (3). Paul desired that the sponsors of this gospel would be “cut off” to prevent them from troubling his new converts in Galatia (4) with this incorrect concept involving works of human merit and human energy (5).

The great attack against the Gospel of grace today is even more subtle. Some will concede that we are saved by grace through faith without circumcision, baptism or any human merit. Therefore they confess that salvation is initially by grace, but will not concede that is totally by grace, from beginning to end. This philosophy subtly undermines a believer’s sense of security in Christ, and his or her sense of assurance and destiny. Our salvation is not only initially by grace, it is totally by grace. In Ephesians 2:8, the Word of God says that “by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God.” The perfect tense here indicates a total salvation.

Being free from “trying to keep” this great salvation (6) leads to a life of true rest, power, genuine production, real spirituality, and love issuing from the heart. All of this is produced by the Holy Spirit who has engendered in us a perfect confidence in the total love of God toward us in Christ through the finished work (7).


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Totalno spasenje
Najveći napad na Jevanđelje Božje milosti (2) u prvom veku bila je propust da se za inicijalno spasenje mora obrezati (3). Pavle je želeo da sponzori ovog evanđelja budu “odsečeni” kako bi ih sprečili da uznemiravaju svoje nove pretvarače u Galatiji (4) sa ovim netačnim konceptom koji uključuje djela ljudske zasluge i ljudske energije (5).

Veliki napad na Jevanđelje milosti danas je još suptilniji. Neki će priznati da smo spaseni milošću kroz vjere bez obrezivanja, krštenja ili ljudskih zasluga. Zbog toga oni priznaju da spas je u početku po milosti, ali neće priznati to što je potpuno milost, od početka do kraja. Ova filozofija suptilno podriva osećaj sigurnosti Hrista u Hristu i njegov osećaj sigurnosti i sudbine. Naš spas je ne samo na početku po milosti, već je milost. U Efescima 2: 8, Reč Božija kaže: “milostom ste spaseni kroz vjeru; i to ne od vas: to je dar Božji. “Savršeni napetost ovde ukazuje na totalno spasenje.

Biti slobodan od “pokušaja da zadrži” ovo veliko spasenje (6) vodi u život istinskog odmora, moći, stvarne proizvodnje, stvarne duhovnosti i ljubavi koja izdaje iz srca. Sve ovo proizlazi Sveti Duh koji je u nas dovedeo savršeno povjerenje u totalnu ljubav prema Bogu prema nama u Hristu kroz završeni rad (7).


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